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Your Aim In Life Paragraph Writing

Your Aim In Life Paragraph Writing PDF Is An Important Topic For Various Exams. So We Have Brought Your Aim In Life Paragraph Writing PDF For You. Read The Your Aim In Life Paragraph Writing PDF Below Carefully And Increase Your Knowledge Base.

Your Aim In Life Paragraph Writing

Your Aim In Life Paragraph Writing PDF

[Points: My aim - reasons for choice - inspiring example of my father - the student's future - noble profession - mother's blessing]

Your aim in life

I have a definite aim in my life to go in for the education line. I propose to be a teacher of a secondary school. Perhaps many will wonder. From the financial viewpoint, the lot of secondary teachers in our State is not so good. But I am quite serious and sincere. My father was a renowned Headmaster. His inspiring example has taught me that nothing can be nobler than to build up the character of the future hopefuls of the country. The young boys and girls of our secondary schools are in the most formative periods of their lives. The shape they are given then, makes or mars their whole future as well as the future of the country. That is why education at the secondary stage is the most important period in life. My ambition is to play my humble part in this important work. Mother has given her sincere blessing to my resolve. In fact, she cannot think of a higher profession than that of her late husband. I am sure, her blessing and my father's example will help me to achieve my ambition.

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