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Why Do We Love Books Paragraph Writing

Why Do We Love Books Paragraph Writing PDF Is An Important Topic For Various Exams. So We Have Brought Why Do We Love Books Paragraph Writing PDF For You. Read The Why Do We Love Books Paragraph Writing PDF Below Carefully And Increase Your Knowledge Base.

Why Do We Love Books Paragraph Writing

Why Do We Love Books Paragraph Writing PDF

[Points: Books - never - failing friends - storehouse of knowledge - window to the world outside - contact with great minds and its effect upon our mind.]

Why do we love books ?

Books are man's best friends. Whenever a man feels lonely or dejected', he takes up a book and reads it. In fact, books remain our constant companions in solituede and in times of mental strain. Books can be of different types- fiction, adventure, sports and games, novel, ete. All such books are storehouse of information and we can learn a lot by reading them. Books on adventure thrill us. Books on autobiogrphies of great men inspire us to emulate their examples. Books on history tell about the social and political conditions of the past. All such books are in fact windows to the outside world. Books selected carefully and judicially provide us with intellectual nourishment. By reading books only, we can learn about the great men and their thoughts that have enriched the world. Such books contribute to the growth of the moral health of the society. Classic books by eminent authors portray the social problems which are more or less common all over the world. The more we read them, the more we come to know of the problems mankind has to face. We can, therefore, take all measures for their removal.

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