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Value Of Good Health Paragraph Writing

Value Of Good Health Paragraph Writing PDF Is An Important Topic For Various Exams. So We Have Brought Value Of Good Health Paragraph Writing PDF For You. Read The Value Of Good Health Paragraph Writing PDF Below Carefully And Increase Your Knowledge Base.

Value Of Good Health Paragraph Writing

Value Of Good Health Paragraph Writing PDF

[Points: A precious possession - real happiness - physical fitness - mental health - money cannot bring good health - rules to follow for good health - balanced diet - no smoking and drinking - regular habits - careful in the youth - conclusions.]

Value of good health

Good health is man's most precious possession. One who enjoys good health can enjoy life in the real sense. Good health is the key to success in life and a source of true enjoyment. A man should be capable of doing physical as well as mental work. Without health, one can neither do great acts nor think great thoughts. One cannot buy good health for any amount of money. To have a good health a man must observe certain rules and live a disciplined life. Freedom from cares and worries is the first requirement of good health. A balanced diet is necessary. Besides this, clean surroundings, fresh air and water and regular exercise are some of the other essentials. One must keep away from smoking, drinking and over eating. Similarly, over exertion and irregular habits work against good health. Young people must try to build healthy bodies. This will help them to live a happy life. Only one who has a healthy body can have a healthy mind.

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