Unemployment Paragraph Writing

Unemployment Paragraph Writing PDF Is An Important Topic For Various Exams. So We Have Brought Unemployment Paragraph Writing PDF For You. Read The Unemployment Paragraph Writing PDF Below Carefully And Increase Your Knowledge Base.

Unemployment Paragraph Writing

Unemployment Paragraph Writing PDF

[Points: A major problem - reasons industrial civilisation - sophistication, computers, robots, automation - modern plant and machinery - overpopulation: its effect in our society and in national life.]


Unemployment means the state of being without any opportunity of earning one's livelihood. Unemployment now is a major problem in underdeveloped countries. Previously there was not much of unemployment. The people lived in villages where they met their simple wants by agriculture or cottage industries. But, industrial civilization introduced machines and threw many persons out of employment. No doubt, this industrial civilization has opened up many opportunities for employment. But, still this increase in scope for employment has not been able to absorb the men discharged. The rapid increase of population has worsened the situation. Unemployment also destroys the sense of moral values and leads to undesirable activities arising out of a feeling of despair and demoralisation. This is why every civilized government looks upon removal of unemployment as one of its primary duties. To meet this situation various development projects and big industries in the public and private sector have been taken up. Cottage and small scale industries have been encouraged. Still unemployment remains a big issue. Cottage industry is perhaps the only solution to this problem in our country. By this the villages would be more or less self-sufficient and every man would do some work and earn his food and clothing thereby.

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