TV As Medium of Mass Education Paragraph Writing

TV As Medium of Mass Education Paragraph Writing PDF Is An Important Topic For Various Exams. So We Have Brought TV As Medium of Mass Education Paragraph Writing PDF For You. Read The TV As Medium of Mass Education Paragraph Writing PDF Below Carefully And Increase Your Knowledge Base.

TV As Medium of Mass Education Paragraph Writing

TV As Medium of Mass Education Paragraph Writing PDF

[Points: TV, important addition - increase in scope of learning - audio - visual system - teaches many students at a time - beneficial to medical students, sportsmen, farmers, housewives - means for educating the mass.]

TV As Medium of Mass Education Paragraph | Television is the most popular medium of mass media

One of the most important additions in the electronic world is TV. With the advent of TV, man's scope of learning has increased to a great extent. It has a vital role to play as a medium of mass education. Audio-visual system of education has become possible only after the advent of TV. It teaches thousands of students at a time with lessons projected on TV screens. Sportsmen can be taught how to improve their performances by modern training schedule through videos. Farmers can be taught to produce more by proper utilisation of modern scientific processes as advised by experts on TV. Even housewives in the rural areas can learn about first aid, family planning and so many other things in their leisure hours. The quiz programmes are always informative and interesting. Through TV we can educate our people and make them aware of the various national problems. We can also show the rest of the world the progress made by our country through TV documentaries. Thus, TV in India can educate the mass and help in national development and reconstruction, besides providing entertainment to all of us.

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