Travelling As A Part Of Education Paragraph Writing

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Travelling As A Part Of Education Paragraph Writing

Travelling As A Part Of Education Paragraph Writing PDF

Points: Travelling increases and supplements our knowledge - broadening our outlook by killing our narrowness, prejudices - contact with various people - helping the cause of national unity - develops resourcefulness - how to tide over unforeseen difficulties - helps in the future struggle for existence.

Travelling as a part of education 

People travel for many purposes. Some travel for business, some for pleasure and some for educational purposes. The pleasures of travelling are many. For knowing the unknown, visiting the places of interest and for coming in touch with the beauties of nature our ancestors took part in travelling. Travelling increases our knowledge. Our bookish knowledge is verified through travelling. Travelling makes our mind broad and takes away our monotony. A traveller comes close to the people of the soil he visits. The hazards of travelling teaches him how to tide over unforeseen difficulties. Fellow-feeling, universal brotherhood, love and tolerance are stimulated in a traveller's mind. He becomes a perfectly educated and cultured person of the country. Travelling helps us to sustain for future struggle in life.

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