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Town Life And Country Life Paragraph Writing

Town Life And Country Life Paragraph Writing PDF Is An Important Topic For Various Exams. So We Have Brought Town Life And Country Life Paragraph Writing PDF For You. Read The Town Life And Country Life Paragraph Writing PDF Below Carefully And Increase Your Knowledge Base.

Town Life And Country Life Paragraph Writing

Town Life And Country Life Paragraph Writing PDF

[Points: Introduction - natural differences - disadvantages of country life - advantages of country life - advantages of town life - disadvantages of town life.]

Town life and country life Paragraph

Both town life and country life have their advantages and disadvantages. The country has no good roads, electricity, or recreational facilities. The sanitary conditions are unsatisfactory, and so are medical and educational facilities. Good drinking water and conveyances are badly wanting. But it is rich in the beauties of nature with wide open sky, the green fields and beautiful flowers. The fish and vegetables we get are fresh, the air we breathe is pure. There is calmness everywhere and one is in direct touch with Nature. Towns, on the other hand offer many facilities. There are electricity for physical comfort and good roads, good schools and colleges, hospitals and clinics and good stores. For recreation there are clubs, libraries and show-houses of different kinds. But town life has its disadvantages too. The air and food are polluted. Roads are crowded and living is costly. The constant din and bustle gets on one's nerves. Life here is cut off from the direct contact with Nature. Man becomes almost a machine. Hence the cry of back to the village gains ground to get out of the clutches of the artificial and materialistic life of the town.

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