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Should Smoking Be Banned Paragraph Writing

Should Smoking Be Banned Paragraph Writing PDF Is An Important Topic For Various Exams. So We Have Brought Should Smoking Be Banned Paragraph Writing PDF For You. Read The Should Smoking Be Banned Paragraph Writing PDF Below Carefully And Increase Your Knowledge Base.

Should Smoking Be Banned Paragraph Writing

Should Smoking Be Banned Paragraph Writing PDF

[Points: Smoking, a great killer - causes chest diseases - untimely death - need for awareness of damages caused by smoking - statutory warnings - different aspects of banning - closure of tobacco factories tobacco plantations - unemployment - loss in excise revenue - banning by stages - alternative financial support.]

Should smoking be prohibited ?


Should smoking be banned essay

Smoking is one of the greatest killers of mankind in the present day world. It causes various diseases like asthma, lung cancer, bronchitis and leads to millions of untimely deaths annually all over the world. But still people become its slave. To create awareness of its harmful effects, statutory warnings like "Smoking is injurious to health" is displayed in every cigarette packet and hoardings advertising for cigarettes. The problem of smoking has to be viewed from different angles. Banning of smoking by legislation will not only remove this potential source of health hazard but also result in useful monetary savings to the consumers. But this will have an adverse effect on the economy. The entire tobacco industry will have to be closed down, throwing large number of people into unemployment. Government also will lose substantially in excise revenues. The situation creates a vicious circle in which millions of people are killed by an industry that supports another few millions for their economic survival. But life is certainly more precious. Attempt should, therefore, be made to ban smoking in stages. People dependent on tobacco industry for their livelihood are to be provided with alternative means for economic support.

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