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Recreation Paragraph Writing

Recreation Paragraph Writing PDF Is An Important Topic For Various Exams. So We Have Brought Recreation Paragraph Writing PDF For You. Read The Recreation Paragraph Writing PDF Below Carefully And Increase Your Knowledge Base.

Recreation Paragraph Writing

Recreation Paragraph Writing PDF

[Points: Why necessary - various types of recreation - sports - reading classical books - journals - music.]

Recreation Paragraph | Means Of Recreation Paragraph

Recreation is almost as necessary for life as food and exercise. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy-thus goes the proverb. A man must make provision for some time everyday during which he may forget all about his duties and relax himself as he pleases. A machine that is worked without rest gets out of order very soon. The human machine is no exception to this law of nature. The physical and mental system of man gets tired and exhausted unless he has occasional rest after every few hours. Recreation not only recoups our energy but also refreshes our mind. Human mind cannot remain altogether vacant. So even while enjoying a recreation, it has to be filled with something pleasing, entertaining and useful. Recreation must vary according to the nature of a man's normal duties and his natural inclinations. Reading light books, enjoying games and shows, sight seeing, visiting friends at pleasure, are some of the good ways of enjoying a recreation. One of the best recreations is music. Choosing the right kind of recreation is important no doubt, but what is more important is having a recreation.

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