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Your Daily Life Paragraph Writing

Your Daily Life Paragraph Writing PDF Is An Important Topic For Various Exams. So We Have Brought Your Daily Life Paragraph Writing PDF For You. Read The Your Daily Life Paragraph Writing PDF Below Carefully And Increase Your Knowledge Base.

Your Daily Life Paragraph Writing

Your Daily Life Paragraph Writing PDF

[Points: Follow a routine life daily - rise early - breakfast - study - bath - meal - school- afternoon - holiday.]

Your Daily Life

I have been following a routine life for the last three years. Though there are some deviations on holidays, I always try to stick of it. I usually get up early in the morning. After washing my hands, I take some physical exercise. Then comes tea, after which I go on with my studies up to 9 a.m. Bath and meals over, I have a little rest before leaving for school. Returning home in the afternoon, I take some refreshment and then go out to play. At dusk, I return home, and sit down to study again. Then I go to bed after having my supper. There are departures from this on holidays. Often I assist my father to carry our heavy shoppings. Then I spend some time reading library books and occasionally visiting frends and relations. After lunch, mostly I go to bed for a little nap. Sometimes, if my fund permits. I dash to the nearest cinema hall or theatre with the permission of my parents. I do not like to sit idle even for a while whether it is a Sunday or a weekday.

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