Internet Paragraph Writing

Internet Paragraph Writing PDF Is An Important Topic For Various Exams. So We Have Brought Internet Paragraph Writing PDF For You. Read The Internet Paragraph Writing PDF Below Carefully And Increase Your Knowledge Base.

Internet Paragraph Writing

Internet Paragraph Writing PDF

[Points: What is Internet - great communication - different uses - e-mails - storehouse of information - e-commerce - popularity in India - charging life - conclusions.]

Internet Paragraph 150 words

Internet has revolutionized the way people communicate with each other across the world. The Internet is a worldwide web (www) of computers exchanging information with each other through telecommunication satellites and leased lines. Recent estimates put the number of internet users at 30 billion all over the world. It has three main uses-as a means of communication, as a mammoth storehouse of information of any kind, and as a new medium of commerce for buying and selling goods. Software applications like e-mail, chat, instant messaging and video-conferencing have brought people living in far off places together in a virtual world where distances do not matter any more. Numerous websites and search programmes can dig out? any information at the click of the mouse from a large variety of sources; something that no user of the traditional library can ever hope to obtain. Electronic commerce (e-commerce) applications enable buying and selling of goods through virtual shopping centres and auctions. A person sitting in New York can purchase an item in an online store that can be delivered to somebody else in Kolkata in a matter of a day only. The internet is changing our lives in a way that telephone and television did long time ago. The world is truly becoming a global village.

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