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Global Warming Paragraph Writing

Global Warming Paragraph Writing PDF Is An Important Topic For Various Exams. So We Have Brought Global Warming Paragraph Writing PDF For You. Read The Global Warming Paragraph Writing PDF Below Carefully And Increase Your Knowledge Base.

Global Warming Paragraph Writing

Global Warming Paragraph Writing PDF

[Points: Increase in surface temperature effects - rise in sea level - changes in rainfall pattern - impacts on plants, wildlife and animals - increase in weather related disasters - floods - heat waves - crops and food supply affeceted - reason for global warming - greenhouse effect - remedies.]

Global warming

Global warming, meaning increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere and oceans, is one of the most serious challenges facing us today. A warmer earth may lead to changes in rainfall patterns, a rise in sea level owing to melting of glaciers and a wide range of impacts on plants, wildlife, and humans. Frequent floods, droughts, heat waves, hurricanes and tornedos may upset the balance of the ecosystem². Crops and food supply may also be affected. Global warming is caused by a phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect that is brought about by the accumulation of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide released in the atmosphere during the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil, garbage, etc. These gases, wrapped around the planet earth, permit the sunrays in, but stop some of the heat from radiating back to space. This trapped heat in the earth's atmosphere is the major cause of global warming. To mitigate this problem, environmental pollution should be prevented at any cost. Planting of trees that absorb carbon dioxide from the air should be encouraged. Besides, alternative sources of energy like solar energy, wind energy, etc., should also be tapped.

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