Generation Gap Paragraph Writing

Generation Gap Paragraph Writing PDF Is An Important Topic For Various Exams. So We Have Brought Generation Gap Paragraph Writing PDF For You. Read The Generation Gap Paragraph Writing PDF Below Carefully And Increase Your Knowledge Base.

Generation Gap Paragraph Writing

Generation Gap Paragraph Writing PDF

[Points: Old generation - young generation - changes in perceptions old generation for traditional values - dictates over new generation - conflict between old and new ideals - values - frustration - misunderstanding - old yields to youth.]

Generation Gap Paragraph | Generation Gap Essay

We spend the first half of our life trying to understand the older generation and the second half to understand the younger generation. Every age has its own way of looking at things and it is these changes in perceptions that create the generation gap. The old people, having seen much of the life, consider their experience and wisdom as infallible and tend to dictate the young according to their own ideas and notions. Failing to adjust themselves to the rapidly changing world, they find it very difficult to accept anything that does not conform to their perceptions. Every age or generation must be free to act for itself. The dreams, ideologies, values and aspirations of the young and the old will always differ. The young make their own analysis of right or wrong and clamour for changes in the whole socio-economic set-up. They are against anything that supresses their individuality. The conflicting ideologies of the two generations thus cause frustration and tension among the youth and fury and anxiety among the old. In keeping with the laws of nature, the old must yield place to the new and allow them to build a world of their dreams in their own way.

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