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Brain Drain Paragraph Writing

Brain Drain Paragraph Writing PDF Is An Important Topic For Various Exams. So We Have Brought Brain Drain Paragraph Writing PDF For You. Read The Brain Drain Paragraph Writing PDF Below Carefully And Increase Your Knowledge Base.

Brain Drain Paragraph Writing

Brain Drain Paragraph Writing PDF

[Points: What brain drain is - no country can afford it - reasons - frustrations - bad working conditions in India - better living and working conditions abroad - great national loss - incentives to bring them back]

Brain Drain Paragraph

The migration of scientists, doctors, engineers and other technically qualified persons usually from an underdeveloped country to a more advanced or developed country is termed "brain drain". India suffers a great loss in the steady outflow of ther talents, especially those educated at the tax payer's money. One of the main reasons of brain drain is the widespread unemployment and under employment in our country. Scientists, engineers, doctors do not get jobs befitting their qualifications and skills. Lack of proper opportunities for research work, fund, guidance, equipments and above all prevalence of absured red-tapism here generate acute frustration in them. Better conditions of job and higher standard of living in those countries lure them to go and stay abroad. There are instances when many of them on their return to India were unable to get jobs befitting their qualifications and skill. They had to fight with outdated equipments, inefficient set-up, red tapism and neglect. All these are great disincentives and our talented scholars are forced to leave India again. This brain drain is a great national loss. Though we cannot pay qualified persons as much as they may get abroad, we can certainly improve their working conditions. Given a congenial atmosphere, many of these scientists may feel like coming back to their motherland.

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